Lecture hall building PPS

RWTH Aachen

An auditorium center with two lecture halls, 5 CIP pools and a seminar room is being built on Professor Pirlet Street.
The large lecture hall ceilings will be realized with DRAHEIM TRÄGERN
and precast prestressed concrete ceilings. In the as-built condition, the construction can be realized without support in one day and allows an optimal routing of the lines and ducts of the technical equipment at a very low construction height.

HH+F Architekten
Hentrup Heyers + Prof. Fuhrmann

our planning services

  • structural design
  • building physics
    Heat Sound
Hörsaalgebäude PPS der RWTH Aachen von oben
Einbau einer Treppe im Hörsaalgebäude PPS der RWTH Aachen
Hörsaalgebäude PPS der RWTH Aachen von innen im Bau mit Draheim Träger